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긴 탄소 섬유 중합체


긴 탄소 섬유 강화 폴리 아미드 나일론 PA6

/자동차 부품 본래 색깔을 위한 고성능 PA6 Polyamide6 긴 탄소 섬유

자동차 부품 본래 색깔을 위한 고성능 PA6 Polyamide6 긴 탄소 섬유

일반적으로 나일론이라고 불리는 폴리아미드(PA)는 주 사슬에 아미드 그룹(-NHCo -)을 포함하는 헤테로 사슬 폴리머입니다. 지방족 그룹과 방향족 그룹으로 나눌 수 있습니다. 가장 먼저 개발되고 가장 많이 사용되는 열가소성 엔지니어링 재료입니다.
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  • 출하 항구:

    Xiamen, China
지금 조회
제품 상세 정보

PA6 Introduce

Polyamide main chain contains many repeated amide group, used as a plastic called nylon, used as a synthetic fiber called nylon. A variety of different polyamides can be prepared according to the number of carbon atoms contained in binary amines and dibasic acids or amino acids. At present, there are dozens of polyamides, among which polyamide-6, polyamide-66 and polyamide-610 are the most widely used.

Polyamide-6 is aliphatic polyamide, with light weight, strong strength, wear resistance, resistance to weak acid and alkali and some organic solvents, easy to form and processing and other excellent properties, widely used in fiber, engineering plastics and film fields.

However, the molecular chain segment of PA6 contains highly polar amide groups, which are easy to form hydrogen bonds with water molecules. The product has such shortcomings as high water absorption, poor dimensional stability, low impact strength in dry state and low temperature, and poor resistance to strong acid and alkali.


Filling reinforced modification

Filling enhancement modification is a commonly used method for physical modification of PA6. It refers to the modification of PA6 by adding glass fiber, carbon fiber, whisker, wollastonite, calcium carbonate, talc powder, rare earth, mica, silica and other fillers into the matrix to significantly improve the mechanical properties, flame retardant properties, thermal conductivity and dimensional stability of the material.

Xiamen LFT composite plastic Co., Ltd. is a brand-name company's thermoplastic LFT can be used for LFT-G injection molding and extrusion, and can also be used for LFT-D molding. It can be produced according to customer requirements: 5~25mm length.



Material application

Including impact resistant nylon, reinforced high temperature resistant nylon, etc., used to make appliances with special needs, such as reinforced high temperature resistant nylon can be used to make impact drill, lawn mower, etc.

At present, there are many kinds of PA6 automobile products. For example, radiator box, heater box, radiator blade, steering column cover, tail lampshade, timing gear cover, fan blade, various gears, radiator water chamber, air filter housing, intake manifold, control switch, intake conduit, vacuum connection pipe, airbag, electrical instrument housing, wiper, pump impeller, bearing, bushing, valve seat, door handle, wheel cover, etc. In short, It involves automobile engine parts, electrical parts, body parts and airbags.

Frequently asked questions

1. How to choose the fiber content of the product? Is the larger product suitable for higher fiber content material?

A. This is not absolute. The content of glass fiber is not more is better. The suitable content is just to meet the requirements of each products.

2. If a product is easily deformed, can we solve the problem by replacing with a long fiber reinforced thermoplastic?

A. Long glass fiber and Long carbon fiber features low warpage and dimensional stability, which can improve part of the deformation.

3. Under what circumstances can long fiber replace short fiber? What are the common alternative materials?

A. 기존의 스테이플 섬유 재료는 기계적 특성을 충족할 수 없거나 더 높은 금속 대체물이 필요한 고객의 경우 긴 유리 섬유 및 긴 탄소 섬유 LFT 재료로 대체될 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, PP 긴 유리 섬유는 종종 나일론 강화 유리 섬유를 대체하고 나일론 긴 유리 섬유는 PPS 시리즈를 대체합니다.

메시지를 보내다

웹 사이트 또는 제품을 사용할 때 문제가 발생하는 경우 귀하의 의견이나 제안을 적어주십시오. 최대한 빨리 귀하의 질문에 답변 해 드리겠습니다. 귀하의 관심에 감사드립니다!

질문이나 제안 사항이 있으면 메시지를 남겨주세요. 최대한 빨리 회신 해 드리겠습니다.

관련 상품
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PA6 탄소 펠렛 섬유 재료
PA6 탄소 펠렛 섬유재료;
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긴 탄소 섬유 강화 폴리머 lcf lft 강화 열가소성 폴리 아미드 6
검정색 pa6 폴리 아미드 나일론 6 펠릿 난연성 열가소성 수지 화합물.
뉴스 레터

-- 최신 토픽으로 업데이트 받기

저작권 © 2015-2025 Xiamen LFT composite plastic Co.,ltd..모든 권리 보유.


