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응용 분야

응용 분야

/섬유 첨가 후 ABS의 성능
섬유 첨가 후 ABS의 성능 2023-01-06
Glass fiber is a very common material in the chemical industry, often used to make reinforced plastics or reinforced rubber. Because of its own temperature resistance, flame retardant, corrosion resistance, heat insulation, high tensile strength, good electrical insulation characteristics, master material after adding glass fiber can significantly improve the heat resistance and mechanical strength of the material.

ABS and glass fiber increase the thermal deformation temperature and mechanical properties of the product, and reduce the shrinkage rate of molding and linear expansion coefficient. It is often used to manufacture products requiring higher dimensional accuracy.

ABS material is a kind of "tough, hard and rigid" material with easy access to raw materials, good comprehensive performance, cheap price and wide use. It has good rigidity, hardness and processing fluidity. In machinery, electrical, textile, automobile, aircraft, ships and other manufacturing industry and chemical industry has been widely used. On the other hand, the thermal deformation temperature of ABS resin is low, easy to burn, and the heat resistance of ABS resin is also much different from that of other materials. How to improve the performance of ABS material to meet the needs of industry has become a concern of many people.

Although the impact strength of ABS decreases obviously compared with that of pure ABS after adding glass fiber, the rigidity, heat resistance and dimensional stability of ABS are significantly improved. In addition, ABS plus glass fiber is extremely cost-effective, which can meet the needs of producers while reducing production costs.

Characteristics of LFT plastic modified ABS:

1, heat resistance up to 90-110℃, good gloss, high dimensional stability, high impact strength;

2, good flame retardant, high flow, high impact, good heat resistance, weather resistance, no spray frost;

3, high rigidity, low shrinkage, creep resistance, easy processing.

LFT 플라스틱 수정 ABS의 주요 응용 분야:

1, 자동차 부품: 계기판, 펜더, 인테리어 부품, 조명, 백미러, 자동차 오디오;

2. 전자 및 전기 부품: IT 장비, OA 장비 쉘, 컨버터, 전기 소켓 등;

3, 전자 제품: 스위치, 스위치, 컨트롤러, 모니터, 디스플레이 하우징, 전기 하우징, 전기 브래킷;

4, 가전 제품: 전기 부품, 전기 제어 상자

Fujian Xiamen Changfeng New Material Technology Co., Ltd.는 수정된 PP, PA, PBT, ABS, PA6 및 기타 엔지니어링 플라스틱 제품 생산을 전문으로 하는 수정된 플라스틱 생산 기업입니다. 회사에서 개발한 강화 PP 섬유 재료는 밀도가 낮고 내약품성이 우수하며 가격이 저렴하고 종합 성능이 우수한 특성을 가지고 있습니다. 그리고 제품은 조명, 가전 제품, 통신, 전자 제품, 건축 자재, 전선 및 케이블 및 기타 산업에서 널리 사용되는 RoHs 표준에 따라 품질 관리 시스템 인증을 통과했습니다. 무결성, 혁신, 책임있는 "경영 철학, 고객의 경쟁 시장 및 수정 된 엔지니어링 플라스틱의 가격 차별화를 위해 맞춤화 된 우리 회사,

연락처: Wallis

휴대폰: 13950095727

우편함: sale02@lfrtplastic.com

회사 공식 웹사이트: https://www.lfrt-plastic.com/

회사명: Xiamen LFT Composite Plastic Co.,Ltd

회사 주소: Building B, No. 55, Hongxi South Road, Torch High-tech Zone, Xiang'an Dist., Xiamen, Fujian, China.

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